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Crowle CE Primary School is committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all students, staff, parents, guardians or carers; irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, religion or socio-economic backgrounds.

We are proud of the diversity in our school and have due regard to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation on any grounds.
  • Advance equality of opportunity.
  • Foster good relations and positive attitudes between all characteristics and different groups, in all activities. 

The school follows advice from the Department for Education "The Equality Act and Schools 2010."

The Act makes it unlawful for the school to discriminate against, harass or victimise a pupil or potential pupil:

  • In relation to Admissions.
  • In the way it educates pupils.
  • In the way it provides pupil access to any benefit, facility or service
  • By excluding a pupil or subjecting them to any detriment 

This perspective is embedded in all our policies and practises to ensure discrimination and inequality are tackled appropriatley.  We also enhance equality through our school vision and values, which form the culture and ethos of our school.  

Please see our Policies page for further information.

Crowle CE Primary School is committed to compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty. Further information can be found on the following link:

Public Sector Equality Duty


The DOWMAT are also committed to ensuring all Equality for all, and their policy can also be found on their website:

DOWMAT Equality Policy 


You will find the Crowle Equality Objectives in the following policy:

Crowle Equality Objectives